dimarts, 26 de març del 2013

Happy Easter!!

1st grade students make chicks with sponge painting.

The artist who painted a blue horse.

Marissa tell a story about "The artist who painted a blue horse" to 1st grade students. After that, they create their own horse.

Self portraits!

2nd grade students drew their self portrait from a photo. We took a photo and we cut it in half, they painted the other half.

Happy father's day!!!

 2nd grade students make a card for present to their fathers. They coloured their photo like Andy Warhol's style and inside the card they make a "Happy father's day!" picture.

Rainbow Fish

1st grade students make a Rainbow Fish. At first, Elena told the students Rainbow Fish story. At second, they coloured it and stick them the silver scales. Finally, they cut out it and we make a mural.

Andy Warhol's style

2nd course students coloured Micky Mouse using Andy Warhol's style. Marissa explained who Andy Warhol was and his pictures. It is called Pop Art.

dilluns, 25 de març del 2013


Representació del conte:    "HANSEL I GRETEL"

dilluns, 18 de març del 2013

Sortida a Escorca

Els alumnes de 1r han anat al refugi de Ca n'Amer a Lluc a fer una activitat dels OFICIS DE LA SERRA.
La sorpresa va ser que vàren trobar neu.